Did you know that science proves that practicing gratitude can actually make you happier?!!!
This is great news! So I thought I would take a little break to share some of the things I'm thankful for...
Tea break with a sweet snack... |
The colors of fall... |
Black cats with pumpkins (Isn't Minnie a cutie pie!)... |
Black cats named Pumpkin... |
Sharing Brunch with the Hubs (and Remy)... |
I'm thankful for FAMILY and FRIENDS...
The beach... |
Art... |
Traveling and experiencing new cultures... |
Sunset... |
Flowers... |
Good Coffee... |
Sharing wine with Family and Friends... |
Mickey waffles- big and small... |
Seeing hearts in the most unlikely places...
Love notes from God... |
I could go on and on. There are so many blessings around us.
Good and pleasant things to occupy our minds...things to be grateful for!!!
What is on your list?
La Bonne Vie Y'all!
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