Monday, January 25, 2016

Lemon Soufflé Pancakes

These pancakes are light, fluffy...and so easy to make!

This would make an excellent Valentine's Day breakfast.

PS- what do you think of our new dishes?
Here's what you need:
3/4 cup buttermilk
2 Eggs (separated)
3 tsp grated lemon zest
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 Tbsp melted butter
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
3 Tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
strawberries, honey and powdered sugar for toppings 

First- mix egg yolks, buttermilk, vanilla, lemon juice and lemon zest in a bowl. Add melted butter and mix well.

Second- Sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into a large bowl. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture. Gradually pour buttermilk mixture into the well. Stir until dry mixture is well moistened. Be careful not to over mix.

Third- Beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Gently fold egg whites into buttermilk/flour mixture.

Fourth- Melt butter in skillet or griddle. Pour a scant 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake.
Cook until bubbles form (about 2 to 3 minutes), then flip and cook the other side until golden.

Finally- Drizzle with a bit of honey, sprinkle with powdered sugar and top with fresh strawberries.


We served ours with a side of applewood smoked bacon and Kir Royales (Chambord, Champagne, and lemon zest).

This is a perfect Valentine breakfast...or an anytime breakfast really!

Another delicious brunch in the books!

La Bonne Vie Y'all!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Easy Week Night Shrimp Rolls

So the Hubs and I are dreaming of sun and sand and all things beach. 

I was looking through my Coastal Living magazines and found this super easy Shrimp Roll recipe to help with our summer dreaming!

Here's what you need:
1/2 cup mayo
2 Tbsp white wine vinegar
2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp finely chopped fresh chives
1/2 finely chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped and peeled, and seeded cucumber
2 Tbsp chopped shallots
2 lbs peeled and cooked medium shrimp (we used 1.5 lbs of large shrimp)
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup shredded Romaine lettuce
4 (8-inch) baguettes, ends trimmed and wedge removed from top (actually, we used multi-grain pita pockets)

Combine the first 7 ingredients in a large bowl.

We boiled our shrimp, and then ran cold water over them.
We also removed the tails before mixing them in the delicious dressing we just made.

We stirred our shrimp into the dressing and seasoned it with salt and freshly ground pepper.

I bought a bag of freshly chopped Romaine salad mix for these sandwiches.
I stuffed the Romaine in the bottom of the pita pockets and filled them to the brim with the shrimp mixture.

For further tropical dreaming, we added freshly cut pineapple!
While the chopping requires a bit of prep work, this truly is a very easy dish to throw together on a week night.

So while it is cold outside, this easy week night dinner transported me to somewhere warm by the sea.

La Bonne Vie Y'all!

***Welcome Back! 
As you can see, we have moved back to Blogger. I believe that it suits our needs the best....for the time being anyway. 

Thanks for sticking with us! 
We will continue to cook, eat, drink, travel and keep this little diary to tell about it.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

We Are Stewards!

Bamenda, Cameroon at sunset

There has been much in the news lately that has upset me. 

The stories of shooters gunning down innocent people is horrifying. Last month it was in a church and at military recruiting and training facilities, and this week it was a movie theater. Lord- help us! These crimes against human beings are horrible.  

Then I heard the story of Cecil the lion. 
Humans ravaging the does not take long to realize that things are not as they was meant to be...

Cecil the lion

There is no doubt that I have a great love of animals. At this point I might lose some of you, thinking that I some how value the lives of animals over people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Human lives are so very precious. I do believe that how we treat all of God's creation is important.

I want to use this situation to illuminate something.

We are stewards. Of this earth. And all that is within it.

"Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”

Then God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.” And that is what happened.

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!" Genesis 1:28-31 NLT 

I researched Genesis 1:28 a bit to try and discover what is meant by govern and reign (or in other translations: subdue and dominion). It appears that these are the only occurrences of these particular Hebrew words. And from all commentaries I reviewed, it appears that responsibility in human supremacy over the animals was key. 

So what did I conclude...

Humans were given a tremendous job over the earth. God invited us to partner with Him in His great work. He made the living things and asked us to care, govern, rule (with gentleness following His example), and reign over creation. 

Of course, after such a fall as we had (sin entering the world), and being separated from the One Who thoughtfully, tenderly, powerfully created the world...well, it became a mess.

The first to die were animals so that garments could be made to cover and protect Adam and Eve. Shortly after, Cain murdered his brother Abel...

Here is what I believe: We handed over our birthright, the authority and ability to rule and govern justly, rightly, tenderly, perfectly; and were infected with sin (the not trusting God and choosing to try to "god" (rule/save/govern) ourselves). 

***Ok- I have to stop here for a second and share something I heard from Dr. Timothy Jennings. He shares that God is constantly generous and that you can see His generosity in nature...the clouds give the earth rain, the earth sends water back through evaporation...the trees give oxygen to us, we give carbon dioxide to the trees. He calls it the Law of Love. Now, should someone put a bag over his/her head and say, "I do not want to share with the trees anymore. Get your own carbon dioxide. I'm keeping all of mine." What would happen? Jennings says that the Law of Love (generosity) would be broken and the breaking of that law would result in death. I wanted to share this, because I think it is remarkable, and it sheds some light onto what sin is and how it leads to death and destruction.***

Now, clearly we cannot save ourselves. So I tend to wonder if before the world was even formed, if the Father, Son and Holy Spirit had a great conversation...

I wonder if they thought and shared about what they were to make, with smiles and laughter (Meister Eckhart said that we were born out of the laughter of the Trinity!). And then a hush fell as they knew what would happen...the sound of God's heart as He says with grief in His voice, "Where are you?", knowing full well Adam was hiding in his shame...something he was not meant to experience or feel.
I wonder if, knowing what was needed, Jesus said, I'll get them Dad. I wonder if there were tears in their eyes. I wonder if there was knowing look between them all. 
I wonder if they looked in the future and saw the new heaven and the new earth, with no more death, no more sickness, no more pain, and with great, beautiful courage, love and joy, they laughed us into existence!

When Jesus came to earth, He gave us our birthright back. And as I reach back and touch Him in His death and resurrection, and claim that He took my sin, sickness, and death...and I take His righteousness, health, and life, I'm new. I may not look different outwardly, but inwardly, I'm being renewed constantly. 

So now that we have our authority back, I see why it is so tremendously important that we rely on and place ourselves under Jesus' authority. 

I think about Cecil. Lured out of his protected area, shot and skinned. Those are not the actions spoken about in Genesis 1:28. Those are not the tender, powerfully protective actions of an appointed steward of creation. Where is the responsibility? Oh is simply deplorable to me.

I think about the pain of people in South Carolina, Chattanooga, and Nashville. No- these are not the actions of good stewards.

I found two definitions of the word Steward on particularly helpful:

1.     a person who manages another's property or financial affairs; one who administers anything as the agent of another or others.
2.    a person appointed by an organization or group to supervise the   affairs of that group at certain functions.

If we are to rule/ govern this earth as an "agent" of Christ (it's Creator) what would that look like?

I just happened to be searching the word "tender" this week on  I found that overwhelmingly, that word was directly linked to God.

Following my Creator's lead, as an agent of Jesus - Who Loves Me So, I should act tenderly. There is tremendous power in tenderness. God's tenderness towards me has softened my heart, and my stubbornness subsides and gives way to generosity and love.

A few years ago, the Hubs and I had the privilege of going on Disney's Animal Kingdom- Wild Africa Trek. Here a few pictures of the wild, creatively-made, powerful, and graceful creation we are blessed to steward:

Ok- I had to put a picture of food in here! We had a wonderful picnic lunch in a
pavilion overlooking the savanna. Look at the beautiful edible orchid!!!

Disney provided that a portion of our ticket price could go to the conservation effort of our choice. We learned about various conservation efforts on the excursion so that we could make our choice at the end. The Hubs and I chose "Dogs for Cats". Lions and other big cats are a problem for farmers and herdsmen in Africa. These cats will come into cattle or chicken enclosures and kill easy prey for some supper. Therefore, the people of this area kill the lions to protect their livestock and families. This initiative trains dogs to chase these big cats from farms and herds, thereby protecting the livestock, the people, and the big cats! Now THAT feels like ruling, subduing, governing...reigning over creation.  

We Are Stewards. 

Grace and Peace Friends!

La Bonne Vie Y'all!